May 5, 2024

How to take care of your backpacking tent.


Free image from Pexels. How to take care of your backpacking tent


After hundreds of miles on the trail and countless nights out, you’re probably wondering how to take care of your backpacking tent so it’s ready to go next season.  


Most backpacking tents will end up costing you a pretty-penny, especially if you are going ultralight…. Even more reason to preserve your tent as long as possible.


Since there’s nothing worse than unpacking your tent to find it cracking, sticky or flaking, this article will provide an overview of how to take care of your backpacking tent.


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Packing up your tent

First off, you should use the stuff method to pack up your tent when out on the trail.  Many backpackers like to fold and roll up their tent the same way it was packaged, don’t do this!!  Constant folding on the same lines will cause those areas to erode and wear down quicker.


Also, if your tent becomes wet overnight, do not let it dry in the sun. This can cause the fabric to become brittle over time. Instead, lay it out and allow it to air dry while protecting it from direct sunlight. A breezy area works best for this.


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Cleaning your backpacking tent.


Your backpacking tent is not like your backpacking clothes, it doesn’t need to be laundered after each trip, but it will need some cleaning after many nights out.


The first thing you need to do is clean out any debris from inside your tent.  Also make sure there is no dirt, leaves or twigs stuck to the outside of your tent.


To clean your tent, make sure you  use a mild soap and warm water.  Steer clear of using harsh chemicals or cleaners containing abrasive materials… Using harsh cleaning solvents can damage the fabric of your tent. 


You can either spot clean the areas of your tent that need attention or you can soak it in mild soap and  a couple cycles of rinse water.


Make sure you let your tent air dry completely before you pack it up for storage. Hanging your tent up to dry in a breezy area will speed up the process.



Storing your backpacking tent.


Always store your tent in a dry, temperature-controlled place when you are not using it. Storing your tent this way helps make sure it does not become damaged by moisture or extreme temperatures. Put your tent in a large, airtight bag to protect it from dust and other things that might damage it.


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Maintaining your tent.


It’s important to regularly inspect your tent for signs of wear and tear. If you find any rips or tears, repair them right away to prevent further damage. Also, inspect the seams, poles, and zippers to make sure they are in good condition and free of any damage or dirt.


Now you know how to take care of your backpacking tent.


By taking care of your backpacking tent and performing regular maintenance, there is a good chance it will last for years to come. Proper tent care is essential if you want to have a good shelter to get some rest or keep dry. This applies to all your backpacking gear.  Click here for tips on washing your down sleeping bag.


Following these steps on how to take care of your backpacking tent will ensure you have a successful and enjoyable backpacking experience.  See you on the trail.

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